Me: I am simple. Not to say that I am uninteresting, I just am not unnecessarily complicated.
I like people who start a conversation with something other than "What do you do?" Ask better questions: Why? What if? How?
Don't tell me what you do. Tell me what you know, why you know it and how that has impacted you. Tell me about things from your past that have shaped the person that you have become. Tell me that you are happy with yourself and why. But, please don't define yourself or me by the jobs that we undertake. Then tell me that you are good with questioning your assumptions.
I enjoy good conversation with good people. People who exhibit kindness as a default, instead of criticism and anger.
I smile a lot. I enjoy laughter. I write for fun. I sing often. I prefer a hug as a standard greeting. I look at things from the outside.I am empathic & empathetic. I am direct. I love uncontrollably. I don't appreciate being over-whelmed by absurdity.